My Favorite Teacher

My Favorite TeacherI like to believe that every student has his or her favorite teacher, and I am no exception. My favorite teacher is “Ms. T,” my science teacher. She is always kind and mellow, yet firm and makes sure that students know what they are doing. I dedicate this article to you, Ms. T.

First of all, Ms. T is sweet and mellow. I have met a lot of teachers who were mean and unkind to their students. Ms. T is nothing like that. She always shows us the utmost respect, no matter what. Ms. T treats us like individuals, and takes Continue reading

How Important is School?

The answer: very, and for multiple reasons. Now if you’re sitting at home, shrugging this off, and thinking, “School isn’t that important,” then you are completely wrong. And the whole purpose of this article is to tell you why.

First, and most importantly, school gives you a great education. Say you wanted to be a doctor, but you didn’t even know how to read or write. Do you really think you’d get the job? The answer is no, and the answer will be the same in just about any line of work.

Now, I’m sure many of you are just saying, “Not Continue reading